
Steel Ice & Stone is a multi-media interactive installation.
Nine suspended LED panels and sensor-triggered sound create an environment for memory recall.

Friday, November 4, 2011

The Installation

While of late I've been concentrating on the electronics, I view tiny thumbnails of the images daily and the sound of the piece has never left my mind.

All three components--Images, Sound and Electronics--are equally important; all contribute to the expression of the installation and the viewer's experience. The installation can't exist without all three components; no one component can exist by itself.

While the images could create the environment by hanging alone, without the interactive element and the sound media, the large prints stretched on canvas could be room dividers. The sound, without the visuals and electronics are sound effects and birdcalls that would sit idly on a CD. The electronics--nothing more need be said.

This work has been so long in the making. However it was always in my heart and mind to complete because its timbre resonates in many chambers of my mind and soul. As time passes, to my surprise, I've become more lenient of events around me. Accepting of reality has never been a strong point, adapting to it--somewhat--has. Steel Ice & Stone is unfolding as a witness to my reaction to my surroundings, as if I had little to do with it.

My ideas for the piece have changed little over the years, even if those who have seen the piece evolve think it's in constant flux. As the electronics become resolved, I'm turning my attention to is the sound. As all the aspects approach completion, the culmination of the piece is imminent: the melding of the components together to create the final experience.

That is the the challenge, the one I so look forward to.

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