
Steel Ice & Stone is a multi-media interactive installation.
Nine suspended LED panels and sensor-triggered sound create an environment for memory recall.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Always thinking

Now that it's time to think of the installation as a whole, prototyping is the next step. I have emails out to a few venues so I can try to structure the nine pieces before installing them. In the coming days, I must get the files together to print BXW (I'd like color but can't afford it at this moment) actual size digital outputs that I can hang from the ceiling for placement and dimension.

Color digital output is about $90 each, $ 810 just to prototype; ouch. Kinko's charges $3 a running foot ( width of one yard ), all three would run $ 72.00, with some patching together.

Depending on other funding, I might be able to afford colorLambda for Less charges .99 per square foot. 4x5 feet = 20. $ 20 for each print? I'm doing it!

Find film and rescan tomorrow or Friday.

Monday, April 16, 2012


Won the PSC RF CUNY grant. Now I can at least think of finishing the installation with all the bells and whistles. One step closer.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The wait is endless

Five grants, alternately for space and funding. Awaiting replies to assemble strategies for building, finishing, presenting and showing.

A week of spring and I didn't get it together enough to tape anything out of town. However, I still have plenty of time to process the recent footage and maybe tape some stuff by the NJ waterfront and maybe around the flagpoles of the UN or Rockefeller Center.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Bringing up Chanel

Without getting too lost in the details, the Chanel internet video interests me with regard to SIS because the still image moves as if one were walking by it; of course, at your computer no such thing happens, but the effect is there.

The black field behind it adds to the outer-space quality of the piece, and BWAC's dark galleries would be similar to that. Up till now I had thought of SIS in a white-box surrounding. This opens up new possibilities.

As much as I like the photographs, for me, the video far surpasses the exhibition, though I do like the photo of KL by his work.
I don't know who shot this photo but I got
it from Andrea Janke's High Fashion Blog.