Further thinking about the LEDs, an important factor is whether they can be manufactured
to the proportion of the image. That is, 24 x 30 inches. I've resigned myself that, if I go with the LED boxes, I might have to be limited to a smaller size.
I'm not wild about this. In this case, size is important (smirk), however, perhaps a panel casting light might be as imposing as a larger image. The dim environment is key also. It will be tested this week in prints, and then I'll get some lambdas made.
There are two things still up in the air: where to get power? The LED boxes come with a pretty ghastly electrical chord and hooking it up to a battery might be difficult. I'm back to requiring some kind of an outlet in the ceiling. If the exhibition space is dark, however, I might be able to get away with outlets on the floor.
Back to the drawing board.
to the proportion of the image. That is, 24 x 30 inches. I've resigned myself that, if I go with the LED boxes, I might have to be limited to a smaller size.
This could link one to the next from above.... |
....or a central junction combining several pieces to one outlet from below. |
There are two things still up in the air: where to get power? The LED boxes come with a pretty ghastly electrical chord and hooking it up to a battery might be difficult. I'm back to requiring some kind of an outlet in the ceiling. If the exhibition space is dark, however, I might be able to get away with outlets on the floor.
Back to the drawing board.
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