
Steel Ice & Stone is a multi-media interactive installation.
Nine suspended LED panels and sensor-triggered sound create an environment for memory recall.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

The Parts Come Marching One by One Hurrah, Hurrah...

Alrighty! So thus far we have our music shield by Seeeduino (IR sensor is in the pink bag)

Aaand we still don't have functionality to show for it.

Why oh why? Limitations.

Our motion sensor is tiny. Finger nail tiny. I tried several times to solder a wire to one of the pins, got success a few times very shortly followed by just as many breakages. The pins are intact, but quite difficult and not designed to be hand soldered well.

Never fear! I'm not the first person who's tried working with parts designed to be assembled by machines. Which is why Adafruit has this here board for sale: it's designed for making use of tiny chips that you get from manufacturers. I placed the order on Friday, it should ship out Monday and get here Thursday or Friday.

Our music shield isn't designed for a capacity of more than 2gb. More specifically, it wont acknowledge the presence of anything larger than that. I think this is because of differences between SDSC and SDHC (standard [maybe small?] and high capacity). I partitioned my 4gb card to 1gb to no avail.

But 2gb is too impractical (unpopular) to bother selling anymore, everyone needs and carries 4gb plus up for the latest toys and gadgets. I can't find a 2 gb microSD card anywhere in stores. I've ordered this one here: and it'll be arriving next week.
Not to say that I can't get anything done in the meantime though. Our IR sensor came through, and I can tinker with that while the rest comes. We'll be needing it to calibrate our units using a remote control. 

So, until I have more to say, ciao!

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